<![CDATA[J + K ISACSON ARTS - Updates]]>Mon, 13 Jan 2025 22:14:27 -0600Weebly<![CDATA[help for artists during covid-19]]>Fri, 22 May 2020 22:11:13 GMThttps://isacson-arts.com/updates/help-for-artists-during-covid-19Picture

​Hello amazing artists, during COVID, wanted to check in and make sure you're doing okay!  Below is a list of  resources designed to help artists who are struggling during the pandemic. 

Some of these are general, some craft or demographic oriented. Hope it's a help.
Also hope you're well!   J + K

 COVID-19 Resources for Artists

Americans for the Arts
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource and Response Center

Freelance Artists
COVID-19 & Freelance Artists

Artist Relief
Funds for Artists

Craft Emergency Relief Fund
CERF+ for artists working in craft disciplines
list of emergency resources for artists in other disciplines.

Artwork Archive
Financial Relief Resources for Artists During COVID-19

Lifetime Arts
Supporting Creative Aging Programming during COVID-19 Crisis

NALAC | National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures
Arts Resources & Field Survey

National Black Arts
Apply to Artist Project Fund

Poets & Writers
Resources for Writers in the Time of Coronavirus19

Emergency Funds - All Art Forms

<![CDATA[ART DURING COVID-19]]>Sat, 28 Mar 2020 21:00:44 GMThttps://isacson-arts.com/updates/art-during-covid-19As different areas are affected by COVID-19, art and artists are needed more than ever in our society. It's during times like these that we most need to be inspired!

We also realize that times like this can be hard for artists to get their work out there and get work sold. Because of this, Joe + I, along with the Northwest Area Arts Council, are committed to showing your work safely in a traditional space, and to also develop additional ways to ensure you and your artwork are noticed and seen. But how?

We are keeping a flexible mindset. In addition to the standard gallery dates, we have sucured backup dates to use for the Heaven & Hell exhibition, to use if necessary.  But what else?

That's not all. Art has the power to connect. In addition to the traditional gallery experience, we will have a virtual gallery feature to build your audience and encourage sales of your work. 

Joe + I are also excited to launch a new feature with this exhibition; in addition to our usual promotional videos, we will create a video walk-through version of the exhibition. Artists near and far will have the option to be included in the video themselves to talk about themselves, their process and their artwork. 

Joe + I are committed to you, the artist. We want you to thrive and for your work to be seen! Without art, and artists, the world is a lesser place, and the arts should not go down without a fight. We will do all we can do. But please, fellow artists, keep creating, engage in the arts any way possible. Stay safe, but keep beauty alive.

<![CDATA[Friday the 13th is your lucky Day]]>Fri, 13 Mar 2020 21:43:41 GMThttps://isacson-arts.com/updates/friday-the-13th-is-your-lucky-dayGood news!​ Internationally connected Biafarin is graciously sponsoring 3 awards for the Heaven & Hell exhibition. Biafarin provides artists with an all-in-one art marketing platform assisting visual artists and art businesses to connect, share, promote and sell their artworks and art-related services worldwide.

Biafarin provides platform and support to equip artists by providing websites, portfolio data management,  online sales with 0% commission fees, submission discounts, critiques & reviews and more to enable artists to thrive.  

For Heaven & Hell they are granting J + K annual packages to award to 3 artists in the exhibition. All in all, this means we have $1,500 worth of awards to give out for this show! 

Joe + I are really excited to announce this and make this year's Friday the 13th a lucky one for creatives - we want artists to do more than survive, we want you to thrive! Hoping to see your artwork in our inbox!   

<![CDATA[Curiosity never sleeps...]]>Mon, 10 Feb 2020 01:00:00 GMThttps://isacson-arts.com/updates/curiosity-never-sleepsIt's always fun to rediscover the artwork fully when it shows up in person for a show. I had a fun moment when closing the gallery after the opening, and saw Torri Thompson's work beckoning from the dark when we shut off the lights. There are amazing little moments of wonder you can have when you live with artwork; it can take on a personality all its own and enrich your day with the changing hours...

If you haven't seen the Curiosity exhibition yet - there's still time! The exhibition is viewable during gallery hours (Thurs-Sun) at the Old Courthouse Arts Center on Woodstock Square through Feb 22, 2020. Learn more about the show here.
Torri Thompson's mixed media piece, "Prime Directive: Pay Attention."
After hours shot of Torri's piece in in the gallery.